Use Trinket Slot Macro


For your Interface I would recommend using Weakauras and Bigwigs.

Weakauras will give you the opportunity to import a lot of helpful stuff to keep track of your cooldowns, buffs and debuffs.

BigWigs for having a boss mod helping you out to plan our cooldowns ahead of time and be prepared for certain abilities that are about to happen.

This rotates 5 trinkets (in slots 1-4 of bag 4 and equipment slot 14) through slot 14, and 5 trinkets (in slots 5-8 of bag 4 and equipment slot 13) Through slot 13. The /stopmacro line is there to keep from getting the in combat errors. I just click the macro after every fight and the next two trinkets are equipped. Jun 26, 2019 Whatever one wow encounters first in the macro will be cast and the other one will be ignored. There is a special case for some off gcd items (like trinkets), where they will be off the main gcd but still share a gcd with other similar items and for this reason you can only have 1 on use trinket in a macro. If you have 2, the second one is ignored.


Here are some useful Hunter macros everyone should have:

Trueshot, Trinket & Berserking Macro

If you have a trinket which cooldown lines up perfectly with trueshot, you use both at the same time. This just gives an extra action bar slot for anything you want. In case the trinket is out of cd and trueshot is not, you just press the macro to use the trinket.

Resonation Arrow Macro

This is for any spell that has a target reticle such as traps, flare and binding shot.

Aspect of the Turtle Cancel Aura

You're unable to cast spells while being in Aspect of the Turtle so it might be useful to cancel it sometimes.

Misdirection Mouseover or Focus Macro

Misdirection is an important ability in Dungeons but also in Raids: This macro will cast Misdirection on the target you are currently mousing over. Otherwise, it will cast on your Focus target.


The auto-cast system in the game is super slow on pets and you might miss out make sure to use this macro.

Another important topic is the pet attacks, you should macro them into all of your abilities when you're using a pet to guarantee the pet will use them on cooldown and not miss out on damage.

Here is one example for Barbed Shot. It is recommended to macro these into every important ability while using a pet.

Some auras that I find really useful are the buff trackers, such as for Trueshot, Precise Shots, Posthaste. If you are hiding your action bars as I do, Aimed Shot stacks and any cooldown tracker is also really good.

Apart from class/spec specific WA you can also track Combat Meditation and Let Go of the Past.

Afenar does some really good WA so you can check him out at or you can find a wide selection of Hunter auras at

For your Interface I would recommend using Weakauras and Bigwigs.

Weakauras will give you the opportunity to import a lot of helpful stuff to keep track of your cooldowns, buffs and debuffs.

BigWigs for having a boss mod helping you out to plan our cooldowns ahead of time and be prepared for certain abilities that are about to happen.


Here are some useful Hunter macros everyone should have:

Trueshot, Trinket & Berserking Macro


If you have a trinket which cooldown lines up perfectly with trueshot, you use both at the same time. This just gives an extra action bar slot for anything you want. In case the trinket is out of cd and trueshot is not, you just press the macro to use the trinket.

Resonation Arrow Macro

This is for any spell that has a target reticle such as traps, flare and binding shot.


Aspect of the Turtle Cancel Aura

You're unable to cast spells while being in Aspect of the Turtle so it might be useful to cancel it sometimes.

Misdirection Mouseover or Focus Macro

Misdirection is an important ability in Dungeons but also in Raids: This macro will cast Misdirection on the target you are currently mousing over. Otherwise, it will cast on your Focus target.


The auto-cast system in the game is super slow on pets and you might miss out make sure to use this macro.

Another important topic is the pet attacks, you should macro them into all of your abilities when you're using a pet to guarantee the pet will use them on cooldown and not miss out on damage.

Here is one example for Barbed Shot. It is recommended to macro these into every important ability while using a pet.

Use trinket slot macro wow

Some auras that I find really useful are the buff trackers, such as for Trueshot, Precise Shots, Posthaste. If you are hiding your action bars as I do, Aimed Shot stacks and any cooldown tracker is also really good.

Apart from class/spec specific WA you can also track Combat Meditation and Let Go of the Past.

Use Trinket Slot Macro Bot

Afenar does some really good WA so you can check him out at or you can find a wide selection of Hunter auras at